Client references

A video is worth more than 1,000 images.

We are proud to have over 5,500 buses equipped with one of our solutions.

Here we present some of our most outstanding projects.


1.000 buses


Start: 2023
- GPS Fleet Management
- Calls


800 buses

Marruecos, Casablanca

Start: 2013
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
End: 2019


700 buses

México, Cancún

Start: 2024
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras


406 buses


Start: 2015
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management


380 buses


Start: 2021
- Ticketing
- GPS Fleet Management

Urbanos Zaragoza

325 buses

España, Zaragoza

Start: 2015
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management

Setp Popayán

305 buses

Colombia, Popayán

Start: 2024
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management

Vvt Vilnius

287 buses

Lituania, Vilnius

Start: 2012
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management
End: 2018

Transporte Montevideo

270 buses

Uruguay, Montevideo

Start: 2023
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management

Global Salcai Utinsa

235 buses

España, Gran Canaria

Start: 2012
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management


213 buses

Libreville, Gabón

Start: 2021
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management


202 buses


Start 2018:
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
End: 2022


187 buses

Costa Rica, San José

Start: 2012
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management

Tránsito Panamá

173 buses


Start: 2014
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
End: 2019

Grupo Moventia

186 buses

España y Francia

Start: 2015
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management

Autocares Plana

148 buses

España, Tarragona

Start: 2010
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
- Wifi


142 buses

Costa Rica, San José

Start: 2023
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management


128 buses

España, Galicia y Mallorca

Start: 2016
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
- Wifi

Tranvia Sevilla

36 buses

España, Sevilla

Start: 2011
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- GPS Fleet Management
- Wifi

Transportes Eléctricos

24 buses


Start: 2023
- Ticketing
- Video Surveillance Cameras
- Counters
- GPS Fleet Management
- Wifi


All these clients use some Busae technology, such as Ticketing, Counting, Cameras, GPS, Wifi, etc. However, some of them are clients through operations carried out by a local distributor in their country or by a company partially owned by Busae.

Yes, indeed, here we only list bus companies, not those from other types of vehicles or transportation.

Yes, of course, here we have simply highlighted the most interesting projects due to their volume or specific features, but we currently have more than 5,500 buses equipped with our technology in over 21 countries.

Absolutely, transparency is very important to us. You can find them online, and if you’re looking for a specific contact person, feel free to write to us, and we’ll assist you in the process so you can reach out to them.
